طريقة تثبيت الادوبي - مدونة الحاسوب

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الاثنين، 29 مايو 2017

طريقة تثبيت الادوبي

How to Install Adobe Photoshop CS6 Full Version

If you have arrived here that means that you are looking for an image editing suite. We are sure that there’s 99% chance that you were looking to download a free full version of the great Adobe Photoshop CS6. And we understand that. Adobe Photoshop is the clear choice when you want an image editing suite, no matter if you are using Windows or Mac OS or if you have a 32 bit machine or a 64 bit machine. The bad news is that Adobe Photoshop CS6 was released back in 2012 and it runs on old systems such as Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Mac OS X v10.6.8. You won’t find Adobe Photoshop CS5 anymore. At least not legally.

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