- مدونة الحاسوب

مدونة تهتم بالحاسوب والبرامج وبرمجة الاكواد وانشاء روابط وتعليم الاختراق والمواقع ا https://compterworld.blogspot.com/


السبت، 15 أبريل 2017

XForUP | Simple way to upload your files.

XForUp | Upload your files in a simple way any where and any time


Why Us?

Because we keep your files in safe

and you can upload your files even 2GB

for free without register to our website

and we supported alot of formats like

images formats and documents and videos and also musics

and more..

Free and simple

Upload your files for free without

register and in a simple way,

Any time and any where with XForUp

Maximum size to upload files 2GB free

Supported Formats

We are support alot of formats

like images files png , jpg...

and document formats like txt , rtf

and more formats you can find it here

Contact us

If you want to contact us :

phone : +9647821704671 - Zain IQ

E-mail : munafaqeelmahdi@gmail.com

Facebook : fb.com/munaf.aqeel.m

Upload Your Files

echo "Error, file already exists : ". basename( $_FILES["up_f_feild"]["name"])." | Rename it and try again";
echo "
$file_uploaded = 0;
// Check file size
if ($_FILES["up_f_feild"]["size"] > 5000000000) {
echo "
echo "Error, your file is too large.
echo "
$file_uploaded = 0;
// Allow certain file formats
if($imageFileType != "jpg" &&
$imageFileType != "aep" &&
$imageFileType != "iso" &&
$imageFileType != "bmp" &&
$imageFileType != "mp3" &&
$imageFileType != "mp4" &&
$imageFileType != "ico" &&
$imageFileType != "wma" &&
$imageFileType != "avi" &&
$imageFileType != "rpm" &&
$imageFileType != "deb" &&
$imageFileType != "txt" &&
$imageFileType != "rtf" &&
$imageFileType != "jpg" &&
$imageFileType != "rar" &&
$imageFileType != "zip" &&
$imageFileType != "png" &&
$imageFileType != "pdf" &&
$imageFileType != "jpeg" &&
$imageFileType != "gif" &&
$imageFileType != "psd"&&
$imageFileType != "wmv"&&
$imageFileType != "mp2"&&
$imageFileType != "xml"&&
$imageFileType != "7z"&&
$imageFileType != "tgz"&&
$imageFileType != "bz2"&&
$imageFileType != "torrent"&&
$imageFileType != "zipx"&&
$imageFileType != "gz"&&
$imageFileType != "xls"&&
$imageFileType != "dotx"&&
$imageFileType != "dcr"&&
$imageFileType != "mov"&&
$imageFileType != "pdb"&&
$imageFileType != "css"&&
$imageFileType != "msi"&&
$imageFileType != "exe"&&
$imageFileType != "run"&&
$imageFileType != "tar"&&
$imageFileType != "taz"&&
$imageFileType != "xlsx"&&
$imageFileType != "sql"&&
$imageFileType != "apk"&&
$imageFileType != "webm"&&
$imageFileType != "ini"&&
$imageFileType != "svg"&&
$imageFileType != "ram"&&
$imageFileType != "3gp"
echo "
echo "Error,File format not allowed please check allowed files page.";
echo "
$file_uploaded = 0;
// Check if $file_uploaded is set to 0 by an error
if ($file_uploaded == 0) {
echo "
echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded.
echo "
// if everything is ok, try to upload file
} elseif (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["up_f_feild"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
echo "
echo "". basename( $_FILES["up_f_feild"]["name"])."
"."File uploaded successfully";
echo "


echo "

Note : Save this direct link to download it later

echo "
} else {
echo "
echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.
echo "

echo "
echo "Please, Select file to upload it and try again";
echo "

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